Pandemi Covid-19 adalah tragedi di bidang kesehatan yang sangat menyita emosi baik bagi masyarakat ataupun petugas kesehatan sendiri. Stresor psikologis terjadi ketika berita yang diterima tentang pandemi memberikan kesan sebagai kabar yang menakutkan dan mengancam kehidupan. Berbagai sikap bisa muncul karena stres akibat berita yang tidak benar tentang Pandemi Covid-19. Perlu dilakukan suatu upaya memberikan edukasi yang benar tentang Pandemi Covid-19. Edukasi yang dianggap efektif saat ini adalah melalui media sosial. Pilihan media adalah grup whatss app dengan membuat kegiatan sharing talk yang digagas bersama mahasiswa. Sharing talk ini dilakukan sebanyak sepuluh kali sesuai dengan permintaan peserta dan kelompok mahasiswa yang menghubungi. Rata-rata peserta yang ikut berkisar 200 an peserta di setiap kegiatan. Diakhir sesi peserta berinteraksi dengan menyampaikan pertanyaan, sebagian besar mempertanyakan tentang virus corona, penyebaran virus dan pengaruh stres terhadap imunitas tubuh yang sebenarnya sangat mempengaruhi dalam kemampuan bertahan terhadap serangan corona virus. Animo peserta cukup baik ditandai dengan pertanyaan yang bervariasi dan bisa disiapkan untuk menjadi satu buku Tanya Jawab seputar Covid-19. Edukasi melalui media sosial efektif dalam memberikan pengaruh positif kepada masyarakat sehingga membantu mengurangi beban psikologis masyarakat karena Pandemi Covid -19.
Kata kunci: Covid-19, Stres, Edukasi, Media, Efektif
The Covid-19 pandemic is a tragedy in the health sector that has devastated both the public and health workers. Psychological stress occurs when news received about a pandemic gives the impression of being scary and life threatening. Various attitudes can arise due to stress due to untrue news about the Covid-19 Pandemic. An effort is needed to provide proper education about the Covid-19 Pandemic. Effective education is through social media. The choice of media is the whatss app group by creating a sharing talk activity initiated with students who are members of an independent institution. This screening talk is conducted ten times according to the request of the participants and student groups who contacted them. The average number of participants who took part was around 200 participants in each activityies. At the end of the session the participants had a change to interact by asking questions, most of them questioning about the corona virus, the spread of the virus and the effect of stress on immunity which actually greatly affects the ability to survive against the corona virus attack. The participants' interest is quite good, marked by a variety of questions and can be prepared to become a Q&A book about Covid-19. It can be cocluded that education through social media is effective in having a positive influence on society so that it helps reduce the psychological burden on society due to the Covid -19 Pandemic.
Keywords: Covid-19, Stress, Education, Media, Effective
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