Author Guidelines
a. The article should have not been published in any media publication and not contain plagiarism element.
b. Articles that will be published are the results of community service activities and research article.
c. The article can be written in Bahasa Indonesia for 10-15 pages not include title, abstract, author, an affiliation of the author, correspondence of author and reference.
d. The Page settings are 2 columns and distance between columns 5 mm, while Title, Author Identity, and Abstract are written in 1 column.
d. Articles are typed in the size of 1.5 spaces using quarto paper (A4) with the width of the margins (margin) is 3 cm for the left, while the top, bottom and right are 2.0 cm and fonts Times New Roman size 12.
e. The abstract should be typed in Indonesian and English. This abstract section should be typed in Italic font and font size of 12 pt single spacing. The abstract number of words of 150-200. The single spacing should be used between the lines in this abstract. Abstract both of English and Bahasa must be completed with 3-5 keywords.
f. Special for the article section, please use left margin of 3 cm, the top, right and bottom margins of 2 cm. The 1.5 spacing should be used between the lines in this article.
The Title of the Manuscript: Title of article no more than 12 words. Article should be started by the title of the article followed by authors name and affiliation address and abstract. Authors name must be attached after the title of the article. All authors should be accompanied address, including the name of the institution and email address.
Abstract: The abstract should be typed as concise as possible and should be composed of: problem statement, method, scientific finding results, and a short conclusion. The abstract should only be typed in one paragraph and one-column format.
How to Write an Abstract: Focus on the following points: (1) Purposes and hypothesis (2) Methods: participant, design, measures, and procedure. (3) Results and Discussion/interpretation of results (4) Short conclusions. Write an abstract should stand alone, consider it the advertisement for your manuscript: Should tell the prospective reader what you did and highlight the key findings. Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon abbreviations. You must be accurate, brief, clear and specific: Use words which reflect the precise meaning, Cites no references.
Introduction: The introduction must contain (shortly and consecutively) a general background and a literature review (state of the art) as the basis of the brand new research question, statements of the brand new scientific article, main research problems, and the hypothesis. In the final part of the introduction, the purpose of the article writing should be stated. In the scientific article format, it does not allow to write down the references as in the research report. They should be represented in the literature review to show the brand new of the scientific article. is written with Times New Roman font type, 12 font size with and bold. The content of introduction is problem background, hypothesis (if any), significant idea to distinguish with the same issue has been published and purpose of research.
1. Describe the methods used to solve problems, challenges, or problems. In this case, one type of method can be used or a combination of several types of methods. Some examples of methods as follows.- Community Education: used for activities, such as a) training such as in-house training; b) counseling aimed at increasing understanding and awareness, and so on.- Consultation: used for activities in which problems or needs in the community are resolved through synergism with Higher Education.- Science and Technology Diffusion: used for activities that produce products for consumers.- Training: used for activities that involve a) counseling on the substance of activities accompanied by demonstrations or demonstrations for realization, b) training in the operation of systems or equipment, c) formation of new entrepreneurial groups, d) providing certified services to the community.- Mediation: used for activities in which the community service provider positions itself as the mediator of the parties involved and jointly resolves the problems that exist in the community.- Science and Technology Simulation: used for activities whose main work is information systems or the like. This activity is intended to explain something that cannot be done in a real way.- Science and Technology Substitution: Used for activities that offer new science and technology that are more modern and efficient than old science (Science and technology in the form of appropriate technology).- Advocacy: used for activities in the form of assistance.- Other methods are appropriate
2. Data collection technique
3. Data analysis technique
4. Location, time and duration of activities
Explain and describe:
a. Terminology or model (for services, new skills, and socio-cultural engineering), dimensions and specifications (for goods / equipment) that are outputs or main focus of activities used as solutions given to the community, both directly and indirectly.
b. Documentation relevant to services or goods as outputs or the main focus of community service activities (photos, tables, graphs, charts, images, etc.).
c. Outcomes and weaknesses of outcomes or the main focus of activities when viewed according to the conditions of the community at the location of community service activities.
d. put forward recommendations for subsequent community service activities.
Suggestions, Acknowledgments, Description of symbols (if any)
Literature writing uses the Harvard Referencing Standard system. Everything listed in the bibliography must be referred to in the article. Reference updates are preferred. [Times New Roman, 12, normal, spaced 1]
a. Book[1] Author 1, Author 2 etc. (Last name, abbreviated first name). Year of publication. Italic Book Title. Edition, Publisher. Publication Place.
Example:[1] O’Brien, J.A. and. J.M. Marakas. 2011. Management Information Systems. 10. Edition of McGraw-Hill. New York-USA.
b. Journal Article[2] Author 1, Author 2 and so on, (Last name, first name abbreviated). Year of publication. Title of article. Name of Oblique Print Journal. Vol. Number. Page Range.
Example:[2] Cartlidge, J. 2012. Crossing boundaries: Using fact and fiction in adult learning. The Journal of Artistic and Creative Education. 6 (1): 94-111.
c. Seminar / Conference Proceedings[3] Author 1, Author 2 ff, (Last name, first name abbreviated). Year of publication. Title of article. Conference Name. Date, Month and Year, City, Country. Page.
Example:[3] Michael, R. 2011. Integrating innovation into enterprise architecture management. Proceeding on Tenth International Conference on Informatic Wirt-schafts. 16-18 February 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Thing 776-786.
d. Thesis or Dissertation[4] Author (Last name, first name abbreviated). Year of publication. Title. Thesis, Thesis, or Dissertation. University.
Example:[4] Soegandhi. 2009. Application of bankruptcy model in regional companies in East Java. Thesis. Faculty of Economics, Joyonegoro University, Surabaya.
e. Source of Reference from the Website[5] Author. Year. Title. Address Uniform Resources Locator (URL). Date accessed.Example:[5] Ahmed, S. and A. Zlate. Capital flows to emerging market economies: A brave new world? Retrieved 18 June 2013.3.
a. Each subtitles are written in Times New Roman font 12 and are bold.
b. The new paragraph is written indented with indent-first line 0.75 cm, between paragraphs not spaced.
c. Foreign words are written in italics.
d. All numbers are written with numbers, except at the beginning of sentences and integers less than ten must be spelled.
e. Tables and drawings must be clearly explained, and numbered.
Writing Mathematical formulas are clearly written with Microsoft Equation or other similar and numbered applications Writing tables Tables are numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.), without the right or left border. The table title is written at the top of the table with the center justified as in the following example. Pictures are numbered in the order of presentation (Fig. 1, etc.). Image title is placed below the center justified image