COVID-19 merupakan masalah Kesehatan global yang melanda berbagai lini kehidupan masyarakat. Transmisi penularan COVID 19 pada tenaga kesehatan menjadi isu penting di era pandemi COVID 19 ini. Pada bulan Juli 2020, terjadi penularan COVID-19 di RS UNS dalam jumlah besar. Mitra pengabdian adalah PPNI (Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia) RS UNS. Salah satu misi PPNI RS UNS adalah keselamatan kerja perawat dalam pandemi COVID-19. Analisis masalah menunjukkan bahwa kurang waspada terhadap penularan sesama perawat, kurangnya pengetahuan tentang penularan dan alat pelindung diri yang baik, stress dan kecemasan pada perawat, dan kurangnya dukungan manajemen rumah sakit adalah akar masalah dari penularan COVID-19 di tenaga kesehatan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya untuk melakukan pencegahan bagi tenaga kesehatan agar tetap dapat melakukan pelayanan kesehatan tetapi terlindungi dan terjamin keselamatannya sebagai upaya untuk meminimalisir risiko tertular virus COVID-19. Pengabdian ini bertema pencegahan penularan COVID-19 pada tenaga kesehatan di RS UNS. Kegiatan pengabdian meliputi edukasi penularan COVID-19 dengan bentuk video dan media sosial, pembuatan video adaptasi kebiasaan baru dan pemakaian APD, dan memberi masukan kepada manajemen RS mengenai pencegahan penularan COVID-19 bagi tenaga Kesehatan. Pengabdian pencegahan penularan COVID-19 pada tenaga Kesehatan di RS UNS menyebabkan penurunan angka penularan COVID-19 di RS UNS.
Kata kunci: Pencegahan, Penularan, Corona virus disease-19, Tenaga kesehatan, RS UNS
COVID-19 is a global health problem that affects various lines of people's lives. The transmission of COVID 19 to health workers is an important issue in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic. In July 2020, there was a large number of COVID-19 transmission at the UNS Hospital. The community service partner is PPNI (Indonesian National Nurses Association) UNS Hospital. One of the missions of PPNI RS UNS is the safety of nurses in the COVID-19 pandemic. Problem analysis shows that less awareness of transmission among nurses, lack of knowledge about transmission and good personal protective equipment, stress and anxiety in nurses, and lack of hospital management support are the main cause of transmission of COVID-19 in health workers. Therefore it is necessary to prevention effort for health workers so that they can still provide health services but are protected and guaranteed their safety as an effort to minimize the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus. The aim of this dedication is to preventing the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers at UNS Hospital. Dedication activities include education on the transmission of COVID-19 in the form of videos and social media, make videos of adaptation of new habits and the use of PPE, and providing input to hospital management regarding the prevention of COVID-19 transmission for health workers. The dedication to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers at UNS Hospital has led to a decrease in the number of COVID-19 transmission at UNS Hospital.
Keywords: Prevention, Transmission, Corona virus disease-19, Health workers, UNS hospital
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